Weapons Specialist (U.S.C.G.)
Basic Instructor School (U.S.C.G.)
Certified Firearms Instructor (U.S.C.G.)
Instructor Development (I.L.E.A.)
Certified Firearms Instructor (I.L.E.A.)
Certified Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor (USCCA)
Ceritified Women’s Handgun and Self Defense Instructor (USCCA)
Certified Range Safety Officer (USCCA)
Certified Instructor Countering the Mass Shooter Threat (USCCA)
Legal Elements of Self Defense (Law of Self Defense)
Thousands of U.S. Coast Guard members Active and Reserve Units
Hundreds of Police Officers
Firefighters and EMT’s
Civilian Private Classes
Unit Commendation and Humanitarian Service Medals for Hurricane Andrew
Police SWAT TEAM Leader
Certified Firefighter and EMT
Husband and Father of three Sons. Two serving in the U.S. Armed Forces